The chips are non-denominational, so that you may assign whatever value to each chip is appropriate for your game.
Each set includes 7 colors of chips
The breakout is:
- 100 White
- 100 Red
- 100 Green
- 100 Black
- 50 Blue
- 25 Pink
- 25 Orange
The discounted price for this 500 chip set is only $84.95, and INCLUDES SHIPPING!!!
Check out this set at:
We also offer these poker chips in sets of 1000, 750, 600, 300, and 200 in a variety of different carrying cases as well. The Crown & Dice Poker Chips are available in 9 different colors, and we can customize how many of which colors you receive for only an additional $7.50 per set.
Please check out the 17 other brands of Poker Chips that our available on our web-site at:
We also offer a great variety of Poker Tables, Table Tops, and Playing Cards.
Come and browse, and let us help you to put together a great home poker game!